Friday, January 20, 2017

Gunning for Trump .....The Teflom Man spins with Chutzpa his yarns and lies of great success and says he can fix the Democratic Party & Obama caused mess

Democracy in those many States S&W of Canada  voted again
in that Pax America Symbol of Freedom and Capitalism  for  men
where every man  "is equal" especially he
who has missions and billions B.Franklin  money.
Step forward Donald Trump into the fray
in which he has a lot to bombastically  say.
He egotistically says he isn't like the rest
he's better than them all, he's simply hugely the  best.
The Teflom Man spins with Chutzpa his yarns and lies  of great success
and says he can fix the Democratic Party & Obama caused  mess
in which his great nation is now debt burdened and  quagmired
and for causing it many people to be underemployed and even fired.
He says that he is his own egomaniac man
He can't be bought, blackmailed or brided so he can
run the  country and ignore the $20 trillion deficit  with his zest and libedo
and yes  those Mexican and Arab immigrants and rapist will have to go.

Donny T  agrees  that although tens of thousands die,
shot dead every godforsaken year by
those in Constitution  possession of a gun
he will not intervene to spoil the mayhem and  fun
of all those proud Americans and illegals, friends and foe  who
own a pistol, automatic gun and even a tank ,  or maybe two,
or three or four and often even  more,
leading to the shocking and deadly annual score.

Donald Trump says2nd amendment carnage  simply lies
in the minds of the infants, kids, grannies and guys
who pull  the trigger and it is they alone
who are responsible for causing the war zone,
which the US has become,
a place where people seem to be numb
to the repeated scenes of carnage they see
reported daily in social media meas and  their tv.

If Donald is really his own man, and he
truly cares and wants to see
an end to the bloodbath and gore  in his land,
then he needs to see that guns are banned
from being sold to anyone who wants to buy
without any care about who may die,
he needs to introduce a bill
to stop the provision of the means to kill,
and if, as he says he cannot be bought
then he must fear absolutely nought,
especially those who have turned their hobby
into the powerful, All Mighty God , pro-gun lobby. 

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